Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Founded on Ignorance

Unlike so many who have all the answers, many of us are involved in public affairs to cure our ignorance.

Last evening, I was informed that the underlying premise (assumption) of one of my arguments was without merit.

EDIT taxes are pretty much evenly split along population lines. Therefore, my argument that a contribution by the county to the Scribner Place funding would still only mean that non-city county residents would be contributing 1/4 of the total while city residents would be carrying 3/4 of the weight, was wrong. The pending commitment from the county, if from economic development income taxes, would be a straight-up, equitable half-share of the lease rental payments (bonds).

We will continue to correct factual errors as they are discovered.


Blogger edward parish said...

Thanks much for the invite, I was detained by work as usual. Please inform me of other future meetings.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005 10:55:00 AM  

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