Sunday, November 06, 2005

Guru to the Gullible

Laura Oates, intake counselor for New Albany's CHODO and infrequent blogger, continues to cloud the ether with half-truths, concealing more than she reveals with each and every posting. Look at this example.

So, who didn’t do their job? Who are we supposed to blame for not staying on top of this? Why did they assemble a public committee to study the issue and make recommendations if all their work was simply going to be tossed aside as a useless formality? The Committee had a plan, the costs were only $200K by May of 2006, and it required no fees on residentials. But, that didn't satisfy the Administration.

Oates once ran for public office, but if she intends to do so again, it is clear that she will have to eradicate all trace of her Web log. The "public committee" she mentions in the above excerpt IS charged with making recommendations for a permanent stormwater impact and quality management fee structure. They were not charged with any responsibility to address interim fees. Furthermore, the ordinance passed by the council does not represent the "tossing aside" of the committee's recommendations. Except as modified in a gesture pandering to the likes of Ms. Oates, it was adopted as the committee recommended. And the $200,000 figure she quotes above is only the additional cost to stormwater quality management that will kick in this coming April.

This is just one example of the disservice Ms. Oates does to civic discourse. Ms. Oates is infected by a syndrome most tellingly revealed in the above excerpt, which I repeat here: Who are we supposed to blame for not staying on top of this?

Citizenship isn't about who you blame, Ms. Oates.

In any given posting, Oates either ignores reality or is unaware of reality. That's called lying when you know better.

But wait. It gets worse. In her management of the blog, she encourages blind postings that issue threats, ad hominem attacks, and more lies. Like a catfish to a ball of corn meal, Oates swallows the hook whole, as do her acolytes. It feeds their self-pity, their fear of the "other."

I'm sure this seems like engagement to Ms. Oates. But paranoid ranting, casting blame, and spreading lies is not engagement.

With her blog, as currently operated, Ms. Oates has made it clear that she does not want to engage. And with her effluvia captured for all time through the wonders of the Internet, it's clear she no longer has any ambition to run for public office or serve on any policy board. For one look at her blogging will abort any campaign or any application to serve. Credibility counts. Ms. Oates, you've lost yours.


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