Monday, February 28, 2005

Our purpose and our future

Volunteer Hoosier was created to offer an online forum to solicit ideas, questions, comments, and suggestions for the Winter version of our Public Affairs Symposium. Although this Web log has been part and parcel of our bookstore blog, we envision an expanded role in the coming months.

You will note that Volunteer Hoosier has been a bit more (and, unfortunately, a bit less) than a forum for symposium comments. During the coming months, to the extent possible, Volunteer Hoosier will be the conduit for my own frankly political expression.

I do think it is inappropriate to use the resources of my business to express my own opinions on issues of public affairs and politics, so I will maintain this Web log. But, you will begin to notice a broader focus for this blog in the coming weeks.

We all are appreciative of the initiative shown by fellow blogger NA Confidential with his Web log. While I will continue to contribute my comments to Roger A. Baylor's original postings, I will be trying to generate a healthy portion of my own opinions here. I may not be able or willing to post on a daily basis, but I will endeavor to make the postings on this site edifying and worth your consideration.

As always, I invite your comments and emendations to the opinions expressed here. It would be unfair to intrude on the original postings of my friend and colleague Mr. Baylor, so here is where you will see the majority of my musings and opinions.

For the sake of decorum and consistency with my stated purposes for this Web log, I won't be posting opinions, per se, until after the Destinations Booksellers Winter Public Affairs Symposium. In addition, this is the the primary site on which you will be able to read the post-symposium report and post-event comments.

But, fair warning. After Wednesday, the nature and frequency of postings for Volunteer Hoosier will change in tone and in nature. We hope you will enjoy it.


Blogger The New Albanian said...

"We will not anticipate the past; so mind, young people — our retrospection will be all to the future."

Richard Brinsley Sheridan

Monday, February 28, 2005 8:55:00 AM  
Blogger All4Word said...

That's the silliest thing you've ever written, Tim. Have you been paying attention? This Web log has been almost exclusively political.

So long as there has been government-by-the-people, politics has been involved. The polis of ancient Greece necessarily drew from the people their ideas and opinions as to the management of communal matters.

You would be hard-pressed to find any living person who has ever heard me string the words "non-" and "political" together.

And what's with this obsession you have about who's running for mayor? Last time I checked, the term of office is four years. I assume the current occupant had opponents before, during and after his campaign and will continue to have people in opposition to him and/or his policies.

Why does a campaign in 2007 interest you so? Are you looking for a job?

Tuesday, March 01, 2005 8:32:00 PM  

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